Sunday 21 March 2010

Some Tests

pan test.

Heres a test of a pan that we're going to have in the bedroom scene, just to show the audience the layout of victor's bedroom so they wouldn't get confussed where they were in the room.

Breathing Test.

One of our breathing tests even tho victors mouth is the only thing moving to show that his sleeping in bed, i don't think we did that badly. moving the mouth was the only thing we could do, because we didn't give to a thought as we we're making him to give him any leave way.

Hallway run test fail.

As we began to film the hallway scene we forgot a crucial principle and that was arcs, and as you can see without that there was no life to the character and no telling what he was doing, also he was way to slow.

Hallway run test 2.

This second attempt as you can see is alot better after using arc principle and after using less frames all so you can tell now what the character is doing.

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