Thursday 9 February 2012

Statement of intent for Specialist Study 2

I will be producing a short animation based on an 11 second audio recording from a website that conduces competitions each month and awards a winner for the best animation, by doing this it sets me a deadline (for the end of February)and makes me start my final animation early. I won’t be aiming for a final completed film by the end of this month I’ll only be producing the animated side to it for now.

I would like to also set myself a few mini micro projects, meaning I would like to apply for some free-lance jobs just to get myself started out there in the real world but I won’t be applying for anything to big for now because I don’t want it getting in the way of my SS2 project.  

My final outcome will be to project a professional looking and finished piece of work to the best of my ability.

I will achieve this be setting myself goals at the beginning of each week to keep on top of everything (because it’s something that I have lacked in, in the past).

One self given deadline for the 29th February for a completed animated sequence, project deadline 24th June but will be aiming to finish one week early at least. Everything I need to do will be mapped out in the next few days (Time Management).