Sunday 21 March 2010

Some Tests

pan test.

Heres a test of a pan that we're going to have in the bedroom scene, just to show the audience the layout of victor's bedroom so they wouldn't get confussed where they were in the room.

Breathing Test.

One of our breathing tests even tho victors mouth is the only thing moving to show that his sleeping in bed, i don't think we did that badly. moving the mouth was the only thing we could do, because we didn't give to a thought as we we're making him to give him any leave way.

Hallway run test fail.

As we began to film the hallway scene we forgot a crucial principle and that was arcs, and as you can see without that there was no life to the character and no telling what he was doing, also he was way to slow.

Hallway run test 2.

This second attempt as you can see is alot better after using arc principle and after using less frames all so you can tell now what the character is doing.

Thursday 18 March 2010

pushing a table

Table Pushing.

This test was just to check if we were able to make victor look like he was puhing the table across the floor, its not perfect but its believable that he is.

walk cycle monster test

Test 1 shot in twos.

Test 2 shot in threes.

The two videos above are of the first test walk i did for the monster, as you can see he drags his feet across the floor and i cant settle with that so i did a second test walk which are below.

Test 3 shot in twos.

Test 4 shot in threes.

Test 5 shot in twos n three.

The three video above are of a better walk cycle, i like how the monster keeps his one foot, the heavy one on the floor and drags it along. I feel that its really effective and goes well the the creature. The way that i edited the test 5 video was that with his heavy foot that he drags along that movement was shoot in threes to slow it down more, but the other leg was shot in twos and that helped alot to show the difference in the weight of both legs.

walk cycle victor test

Set to 24 FPS shot in twos.

Set to 24 FPS shot in threes.

These videos are a test on how victor walks, two quick steps, the first video that was shot in twos was to quick for me and that not how a old man walks really so i tried again and the second video was shot in threes and as you can see its not perfect but the pace of his walk is good anoth.

scene 1 The House

Test 1.

Test2 .

Test 3.

Test 4.

Test 5.

Here are the first tests for the first scene of our groups video, the first three tests are really bad they're to quick and way to jumpy, the time wat off. But tests 4 and 5 are good the timings almost right and i find the angle of the camera affective as it zooms into the house window.