Monday 7 December 2009

Finished Audio Aniamtion.

The finished product wooo!

Over all i'm happy with some asects but as always they're lots of things that can be done to improve this piece i.e the consistency, to me the head looks like its always chancing it may only be slighty but its a problem. i'm fairly disappointed with myself that i never had the time to put all of the lip syncing into the animation thats the biggest let down for me and another is the pace of the two scences i mentioned in early tests that they were to quick and needed to be slighty slowed down but yet again i ran out of time to do so

Part 4

final scence test

Over all this scences smoothness is good but again i think this one is a little to fast aswell, because its the last scence i am always able to extend and pause areas so thats always a possibilitly and also its going to have a background put onto it in after effects again.

Part 3

part3 movement test

Scence 4, here is a scence were i havn't had anyone speak out the dialog so what i've done here is kept it plan and simple but i wanted to done a little some different. so for this scence its basically one image and i'm just moving that image from one side of the camera to the other and this has helped me a lot on speeding up the process, for the final i'm going to have to make sure to keep the image a straight as possible so that its not jumping around to much.

Part 2

Scence 3 test

The smoothness in this scence i think works well, but the only thing thats wrong with it is that its to quick, because the dialog for this scence is sort for what i had planed for it, it looks like i tried to put to much into it and becaus of this its to quick if i have the time i'll lose some frames to see what can be done, along iwth the lip syncing aswell.

Close up

Close up and audio test

lip syncing for the first time, i did my research on this and i manages to find a page of images with all different mouths, showing all different letters of the alphabet each having there own mouth expiration. this helped me alot for the lip syncing, its still not perfect but my proud for my first attempt.

Part 1

Final Animation Part 1

Here are the first two parts of my animation with beginning audio, both been finalized and put together in after effects, the second scence has been edited abit. The scence indeed to be a close up shoot of the characters face but in the close up test it didn't show that.

After Effects: To put these two videos together they had to be opened up and put into the time line window again, and then the to separate videos had to go one after the other so i had to make sure the time lines match up right, the audio was easy to do all that had to be done with that was to line up the beginning of the audio to the exact frame that the mouth started to lip sync but i places the audio one frame after the the lip sync started.

Final walk scence

Here is the final walk scence, its the first scence within my piece and doesn't need any dialog, its an extra scence which didnt need to be there but i added it in to show that i'm willing to go not that extra mile but an exrta yard.

I was able to do some editing for this animation, i finally learnt how to use After Effects and was able to add a background to my moving animation even though its just a television

Working After Effects: first of all the way that i was able to add my television in the animation was to firstly take the image of the tv and open it up into photoshop, then i needed to erase the white from around the tv, to do that i used the magic wand tool which ables me to do just that. After doin this i saved the programme as a photoshop PDF document and that then keep all the stuff that i've do to the image as it is. When i've done that open that file up in after effects and the video that i'll be putting it with, drag them both in the time line window thats located at the bottom of the screen. Then i made sure that the PDF file is the exact lenght as my video its going with and that it's brought in front of the video also, then i exported the programme as a quick time player and these my video.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Final test walk

Walk's final line test

Here is the final line test for the walk scence,starts off with the tv, tv is suppose to be in the shot throw out the video but yet again the lighting on the camera was on the blits but i did manage to bring the lighting down abit later the that the character could be seen.

Walk test 2

Test 2

The character now has its bounce and is show a more fluent walk, the video above is shot in 3's on 24fps because the character needed a more slower pace to him and i thought that would have been slow enough but it either needed more frames drawn or an extra shot.

Sorry lighting was bad for these two videos so i had to put my finger in to balance it.

Test 3

This video was shot on 4's in 24fps and i find that it works for the character so i didn't have to add any more frame in the end.

First test walk

test 1

So lets get down to business, my first line test and l have all ready messed it up although the the drawing of the scence is good i had left the character same and level stay the same and because of that he looks like his ice skating, back to the drawing board to edit.

Acting Out...

Its always a good idea to act out the movements for your animation or even better watch someone else do it and even film there actions so that you will always have something to refer back to. This way its easier to help myself with my animation.

These videos below are two scenes from my animation that kerry and i acted out, and it helped me get a better understanding of these particular scence which i had most difficulty with.

Head Turn 1

Head Turn 2

T.V. Love 1

T.V. Love 2