Wednesday, 15 December 2010
So before i could even think about using the Adobe flash programme to animate i had to have everything draw and coloured before hand, so i drawn the whole animation out first in programmes like photoshop and sai using my storyboard as a ruff.
had to practise using the flash software to begin with first because i hadn't used it much in the past but lucky with the two training i had within the project helped alot, but because i had already got go the images all i had to do was import them and line them all up to where i wanted them.
Overall it's been challenging trying to create something for a live brief and nerve racking as well because it need to be aimed at a selective audience. sad that my final animation can't be completed jew to problems but hopefully my final outcome is enough.
Pose by Pose.
secondary actions.
slow in slow out.
Failed Animation
play 38 seconds into the video to get the full.
I have basically had a big problem with my flash programme and its gone and crashed and back logged to days ago, meaning i can't get my animation back even tho i have been saving constantly and now when i even try to continue with the saved file i've got it wont let me save or expert any move video's.
i'm going to have to keep trying or restart all over again but they is not where i can get it finished now. I have explained about the whole video in my previous post with my animatic.
Full Animatic
Here is a full animatic of my story ad for my digital animation project,
it start off with the piggy sleeping and out of nowhere a coin falls down and hits him on the head, he then takes the coin and keeps it and as he does it starts to rain down more coins and in excitement he dashes over to put them all up, now at that point its suppose to represent saving and with that the piggy is showing greed and wants to keep it all.
It then continues on showing him spending out of control buying things left right and centra until he has barely got anything left, when that happen all the bills catch up with him and box him in and they end up taking his money leaving him with one coin to his name.
final walking back to his muddy side of the fince where its not so green, he walks up to the sign sticking out the ground saying savings but in the final animation ill be changing that sign to the student services logo, its basiclly telling him to start saving now before you have nothing left so he buries his last coin in the ground. final after awhile his money count starts to increase. showing furture plans to take about care of your money to begin with.
More reference videos
animals walking and running cycle, to get a better understanding of the way four leged animal walk and run
advertising video reference: 2008 Olympics bbc ad
i find this ad very interesting in how it goes very off topic, it gives you hints thoughout the video on what its meant to be advertising and you dont quite get it untill the very end, till they all end up inside the olympic stadium, if it wasn't for the ending i don't think people would have gathered that it was for the olympics and i'm saying all this because after looking at my pig animation i don't think either that people would get what its meant to be advertising untill the very end.
Video References
video references for youtube:

youtube video: walking pig
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Evaluation For Sound Project
I'm happy with the script i wrote in the end although i couldn't quite make it long enough to my standards but that's something to work on more in the future.
Also disappointed that i didn't spend enough time propel drawing out the storyboards to the standard i wanted them, i would have liked to add more detail to the backgrounds of the scenes and also would have liked to ink in the final produce to give it that more profesional look.
Animatic For Script
here is the link to the youtube better qualtiy verson:
Here is my animatic for my scritp, overall my happy with it the outcome of the story but im disappointed that I didn’t spend enough time on drawing the panels, I would have liked to add more detail to the backgrounds of the scene and also would have liked to ink in the final produce to make it look more professional.
My script (One Man's Tent)
Monday, 15 November 2010
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Friday, 5 November 2010
Friday, 16 July 2010
critical analysis assessment
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
More Textures

Here is another texture that will be used in my animation and this texture shall be used for the floor, above i have two images that are the same but one is in colour and the other is not, the reason being is if i already have the colour texture in place where i want it and it gives off the impression of it being carpet on the floor but it still looks rather flat in some angles then i will need to give it something that is called a bump texture and this tool gives the image abit more life and gives off more of a 3d effect. To do this i would need a black and white verson of the image that is already down and add this image to the bump effect and it should give off a better 3d effect.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Basic Modeling 2

After doing the same to all of the different object it was starting to take shape and form

After sulpting the object the best i could i was then able to add more polygons, doing so then made the object to become more smoother and have a more natural look to it and that helps me to accomplish what i was after.

In order for me to be able to sculpt i'm going to have to more the polygons around, which are all those purple dots on the object. To start off i need the object to have as few polygons as possible, this is so that the memory doesn't get to be and that can lead to rendering problems.

More modeling, here i've created a basic shape of a sofa and its not going to be as easily made as the table. Its goin to need a lot of sculpting and reshaping in order for it to look right.
Basic Modeling

Here is the finished object it maybe a little hard to see but i did give it an a wooden texture to the different objects to make it look more like an actual table.

Now i'm going to add some texture to the object and to do so all you have to do is hold the right mouse buttom and scroll down to assign new material and click on lambert, lambert allows you to add texture to the selected object, you can either use the textures within maya or you can add file of a texture i.e an image and place that onto the object.

The second image is all of the shapes placed together and as you can see there have created table.

I'm just getting started on how to use maya so i'm starting with some basic modeling, as you can see i'm creating a table out of polygons and instead of just making a table top with four legs , i disided to go for a more modern design with pattern.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Video References
Wallace and Gromit - The tellyscope
Chain Reactions
Chain reaction with fire Contraption
Ok Go- This too shall pass-Rube Goldberg
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Spirited Away

Looking at Sound

The use of sound in animation and film has been a vital role within it. This documentary was part of the special features on Wall-e a animated film. Ben Burtt was responsible for the original star wars films and is "considered the father of modern sound design" by Andrew Stanton the director of the film. Wall-E Whereas Disney had always used instruments for sound effects in its animations or going out and actually recording the sounds themselfs.
Burtt starting to creating his own "instruments" out of whatever made the most believable sounds, because sound has to have an emotion that evokes and it is more important then if it is the correct physical sound.
Pencil To Pixel

A documentary called "From Pencils to Pixels" which described the birth of animation through to today's cgi creations. Mainly focussing on Disney and Pixar, one of the earliest well known animators was Walter McKay's creator of Gertie the Dinosaur a moving animation. As McKay animation was playing he brought it to life by making it seem like he was talking to his creation Gertie by calling her over to him, getting it to do tricks and offering her an apple that was thrown onto the screen.
After Gertie the Dinosaur came the first animated superstar Felix the Cat who inspired a generations worth of animated characters. Felix was also the first animated character to be anthropomorphized, by which an animal was given human characteristics. After Felix came the animation that most people reconize as the first, Steam Boat Willy by Walt Disney the first ever animation with sound by that to be recorded with sound other then live a group of musician, with a series of short animations under his belt Walt Disney then was inspired to create the first full length animated film well known as snow white made 1936. The project took four years to complete, with 600+ animators working on the film. After Disney followed the Success of Snow White and continued to make cel animated films for years such as pinocchio, bambi, cinderella and peter pan and many more.
In 1995 a new form of animation was discovered. Pixar animation studios was bought from Lucas Arts by Steve Jobs, John Lasseter took Computer Animation and applied the prinicples of animation to his work, the result was the short animation called Luxo Lamp. This short was very successful and it allowed Pixar to work on their first full feature length film known as Toy Story, Pixar made the largest change to animation in 60 years as Disney had done in the past. Film makers have criticized that Cel animation is a deading art, but with Disney returning to the Cel animation now and studios such as Studio Gihbli making animations such as Spirited Away and ponyo it looks that for many years to come cel is far from dead.
Georges Méliès, Le Voyage Dans La Lun

Writer and creater of Le Voyage Dans La Lun (translatation - a Trip to the Moon),this short film made in 1902 used a combination of camera tricks and studio effects to create one of the first science fiction films, he used effects that amazed audiences and this effects are still being used till this day. He began his career as a stage magician before becoming a film maker. Mellies loved the magic of film making, and with that in mind he used tricks, camera illusions you would say in he film making. On film he could perform many tricks a magician could but even easier with a camera. He discovered what became known as the "mid shot trick" its when you stop the camera in the middle of filming and this would able you to early move an object or person and replace it with something else. He discovered this when his film jammed on one of his early cameras. Also one of his other techniques was the rolling backgrounds, its purpose was in its name it gave the illusion of something falling/flying, and many other techniques.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Some Tests
pan test.
Heres a test of a pan that we're going to have in the bedroom scene, just to show the audience the layout of victor's bedroom so they wouldn't get confussed where they were in the room.
Breathing Test.
One of our breathing tests even tho victors mouth is the only thing moving to show that his sleeping in bed, i don't think we did that badly. moving the mouth was the only thing we could do, because we didn't give to a thought as we we're making him to give him any leave way.
Hallway run test fail.
As we began to film the hallway scene we forgot a crucial principle and that was arcs, and as you can see without that there was no life to the character and no telling what he was doing, also he was way to slow.
Hallway run test 2.
This second attempt as you can see is alot better after using arc principle and after using less frames all so you can tell now what the character is doing.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
pushing a table
Table Pushing.
This test was just to check if we were able to make victor look like he was puhing the table across the floor, its not perfect but its believable that he is.
walk cycle monster test
Test 1 shot in twos.
Test 2 shot in threes.
The two videos above are of the first test walk i did for the monster, as you can see he drags his feet across the floor and i cant settle with that so i did a second test walk which are below.
Test 3 shot in twos.
Test 4 shot in threes.
Test 5 shot in twos n three.
The three video above are of a better walk cycle, i like how the monster keeps his one foot, the heavy one on the floor and drags it along. I feel that its really effective and goes well the the creature. The way that i edited the test 5 video was that with his heavy foot that he drags along that movement was shoot in threes to slow it down more, but the other leg was shot in twos and that helped alot to show the difference in the weight of both legs.
walk cycle victor test
Set to 24 FPS shot in twos.
Set to 24 FPS shot in threes.
These videos are a test on how victor walks, two quick steps, the first video that was shot in twos was to quick for me and that not how a old man walks really so i tried again and the second video was shot in threes and as you can see its not perfect but the pace of his walk is good anoth.
scene 1 The House
Test 1.
Test2 .
Test 3.
Test 4.
Test 5.
Here are the first tests for the first scene of our groups video, the first three tests are really bad they're to quick and way to jumpy, the time wat off. But tests 4 and 5 are good the timings almost right and i find the angle of the camera affective as it zooms into the house window.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Sunday, 28 February 2010
second armature design skin
Here is the creature covered in plasticine, i want we a range of colours because i wanted to give off that impression that the creature was really made up of different body parts, and naturally they wouldn't all look the same. I left the legs unfinished because someone else in my group is creating the clothes.
second armature design
Monday, 22 February 2010
My Final Frankenstein Design!