Scene from spider-man 3, Restaurant.
Planning the backgrounds, due to complications I had fell behind on my work and was running short on time, i know we had the choice to ask the L5's to help and people used that to their advantage but i didn't. But know i didn't have an option and need help with coming up with the background design. So i posted in the facebook group if anybody was free to help out and lucky someone was, Keanu Jones.
From the beginning i had always planed for my animation to be set in a restaurant but know i wanted it to be set in a pose looking one too, the first thing that comes to mind was the scene out of spiderman 3 (as shown above) where Peter wanted to purpose to Mary-Jane, set in a nice pose french restaurant.
We both had a talk about it and exchanged quick doodles to get a feel on what the designs should look like, after discussing he went off and draw up the designs.

When he came back he came up with something along the lines of this (image two the right) which was great and would work really well, so what i needed now was different shots and angels of the room for each of my scenes. The below image is a front shot of the counter where the receptionist is or go if i add one in i don't know yet.