To begin with i thought things was going pretty well, i did get off to a slow start with this project but throughout it i was keeping things pretty much up to date. my final produce was starting to get abit frustrating because my animation was going to have alot of detail within it, im not one of those people who can just create something as simple as a pink ball with eyes and a nose and call it a pig, i have to draw the whole thing out properly.
So before i could even think about using the Adobe flash programme to animate i had to have everything draw and coloured before hand, so i drawn the whole animation out first in programmes like photoshop and sai using my storyboard as a ruff.
had to practise using the flash software to begin with first because i hadn't used it much in the past but lucky with the two training i had within the project helped alot, but because i had already got go the images all i had to do was import them and line them all up to where i wanted them.
Overall it's been challenging trying to create something for a live brief and nerve racking as well because it need to be aimed at a selective audience. sad that my final animation can't be completed jew to problems but hopefully my final outcome is enough.
Pose by Pose.
secondary actions.
slow in slow out.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Failed Animation
play 38 seconds into the video to get the full.
I have basically had a big problem with my flash programme and its gone and crashed and back logged to days ago, meaning i can't get my animation back even tho i have been saving constantly and now when i even try to continue with the saved file i've got it wont let me save or expert any move video's.
i'm going to have to keep trying or restart all over again but they is not where i can get it finished now. I have explained about the whole video in my previous post with my animatic.
Second Year. Digital Animation,
Year 2
Full Animatic
Here is a full animatic of my story ad for my digital animation project,
it start off with the piggy sleeping and out of nowhere a coin falls down and hits him on the head, he then takes the coin and keeps it and as he does it starts to rain down more coins and in excitement he dashes over to put them all up, now at that point its suppose to represent saving and with that the piggy is showing greed and wants to keep it all.
It then continues on showing him spending out of control buying things left right and centra until he has barely got anything left, when that happen all the bills catch up with him and box him in and they end up taking his money leaving him with one coin to his name.
final walking back to his muddy side of the fince where its not so green, he walks up to the sign sticking out the ground saying savings but in the final animation ill be changing that sign to the student services logo, its basiclly telling him to start saving now before you have nothing left so he buries his last coin in the ground. final after awhile his money count starts to increase. showing furture plans to take about care of your money to begin with.
Second Year. Digital Animation,
Year 2
More reference videos
animals walking and running cycle, to get a better understanding of the way four leged animal walk and run
advertising video reference: 2008 Olympics bbc ad
i find this ad very interesting in how it goes very off topic, it gives you hints thoughout the video on what its meant to be advertising and you dont quite get it untill the very end, till they all end up inside the olympic stadium, if it wasn't for the ending i don't think people would have gathered that it was for the olympics and i'm saying all this because after looking at my pig animation i don't think either that people would get what its meant to be advertising untill the very end.
Second Year. Digital Animation,
Year 2
Video References
video references for youtube:

youtube video: walking pig
Second Year. Digital Animation,
Year 2
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Evaluation For Sound Project
Producing all these screenplays, storyboards and animatics this term has been rough, but has taught me a lot over this past module all about the use of film language and cinematography.
I'm happy with the script i wrote in the end although i couldn't quite make it long enough to my standards but that's something to work on more in the future.
Also disappointed that i didn't spend enough time propel drawing out the storyboards to the standard i wanted them, i would have liked to add more detail to the backgrounds of the scenes and also would have liked to ink in the final produce to give it that more profesional look.
I'm happy with the script i wrote in the end although i couldn't quite make it long enough to my standards but that's something to work on more in the future.
Also disappointed that i didn't spend enough time propel drawing out the storyboards to the standard i wanted them, i would have liked to add more detail to the backgrounds of the scenes and also would have liked to ink in the final produce to give it that more profesional look.
Animatic For Script
here is the link to the youtube better qualtiy verson:
Here is my animatic for my scritp, overall my happy with it the outcome of the story but im disappointed that I didn’t spend enough time on drawing the panels, I would have liked to add more detail to the backgrounds of the scene and also would have liked to ink in the final produce to make it look more professional.
My script (One Man's Tent)
EXT. Forest. evening/night
It's the middle of the forest, damp and its starting to go dark.
A scared man is running through the forest trying to get away from something, he is terrified but he can't see the thing that is chasing him he can only hear a constant loud beeping noise.
The man stumbles all over the place and even falls over a couple of times, dropping his glasses in the process but always making the effort in picking them back up again otherwise he would not be able see very well with his beady little eyes.
Finally he makes it back to his tent (which he was camping out for a few nights in) he is exhausted and out of breath but that's not his concern right now all he is thinking about is that he needed to be in a safe and familiar place. In an attempt to get the tent open quickly he Struggles and ends up fiddling with the zip for a few seconds, finally getting it open he throws himself in but in his state its more like collapsing.
int. tent. evening/night
Finally in his tent but not yet feeling safe, he zips the tent up behind him and out of sheer desperation he grabs a plank of wood out of nowhere and starts to hammering it into the side of the tent where the entrance is, thinking that it would somehow save him from whatever is out there. Still in a confused state he panics and crawls over to the corner of the tent and picks up the radio and starts fiddling with it,constantly changing the stations with the knob, thinking that its some sort of communication device he shacks the radio and shouts into it thinking that he can call for help on it.
scared man
Hello hello, help... can anybody help me!
He starts getting angry and frustrated that he isn't receiving anything back, so he raises the radio into the air with both hands clenched tightly around it and brings it down with all his force slamming it hard into the floor and breaking it.
It's all gone quite now not a thing can be heard and the man is able to take a few deep breaths to calm down, whipping the beads of sweat from his brow. But seconds later that same beeping noise starts up again slowing getting louder and louder. The man begins to get scared once again and is now desperately looking for another way of the tent.
A rustling sound appears for outside, the tents zip begins to slowly unzip. Finally the man gives up trying to escape, he drops to the floor like a heavy sack and curls up tightly into a ball, as the zip continues to unzip the man scrunches he's eyes shut and rocks himself backwards and forwards muttering.
scared man
why?... why does this have to happen to me. I've done nothing wrong please just.... go away.
As he finishes muttering to himself he realizes that he couldn't hear everything so he slowly opens one of his eyes to take a look at what is going on but it is to dark for him to see a clear picture all he could see is a tall shadowy outline of a figure standing just outside the tent blocking his only way out. Their hand enters the tent holding something that appears to be an alarm clock and it's making the same beeping noise that his been hearing this whole time. The shadowy figure pulls back their arm for a second or two but to the scared man on the floor it seemed like forever. Then the figure hurls the alarm clock at the man with it is still beeping, it hits the man on the head hard and falls to the floor.
int.bedroom. morning
Before he knows it he wakes up in his own bed with the alarm clock next to him still going off and a painful bump on the head, the clock had started to go off and it had eventually fallen off and hit him on the head.
Sitting up slightly he realizes that it was all just a bad dream, he begins to rub his head with a little smile of relief on his face. Then he just flops back onto his pillow and bursts out with laughter.
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