Anticipation was the aim of this weeks project, anticipation is the overly dramatic pause you see in things like cartoons, dramatic pauses are put in just before a big action is about to take place like a jump, which i'll be do for my animation. I'm keeping it simple this week and concentrating on the movement more then the character and keeping this one as a stick man. These images above are the key frames within my animation that i'll be using.
Muybridge is a great Source of research especially for the project i'm doing now, as i looked through he's images i chose this one in particular because it had reference to my work, and i used this image to help me with my animation but only as a guide.

Eadweard Muybridge gained worldwide fame photographing animals and human movement. using photos of a horse to prove that there is movement in a gallop when all four hooves of the horse are off the floor.
later in his career he had produce thousands of image that capture progressive movements within seconds
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