Monday, 30 November 2009

11 Second Audio Clip
here are the words to my audio:
you see, t.v is power, the power to love to pacify and then when all eyes are glazed and all minds are jelly, the power to hold the world in your fists.
Monday, 2 November 2009
10-20 second project final assessment!!!
Here is the final product, the finished piece, the not so wonderful masterpiece...
As an over all piece of animation i think personal it was the most challenging and most thought through animation i have ever done. I had set myself the task of placing two characters in the video which made me have alot of work to do,
After plaining out the key frames of the two characters and then drawing out the first of them into my video i realised the second character that was going to be jumping onto the side of the screen will be going a lot faster then the first character that just standing on the spot, so i had to go back to the beginning and double up drawing in a section of the video to make the second character look as though shes speeding through the air.
As the video plays you can see some of the basic principles of animation,
With the squashing and stretching of the balls that i've used.
Timing i think could have been better with the second character jumping in, more frames should have been added to make her movements more smoother and it would have slowed her down as well which i think was needed.
but the Arc of her jump i was pleased with myself it helped her just glide smoothly through the air.
My Anticipation work could do with improving though, because where i've tried to add it i think failed terribly and i need alot of work on it for me to get a better understanding.
10-20 second animation project!!
( Alien Test 1 n' 2)
Just two small tests to see if the character is right with his movements.
The beginning of my video it was a test just to see if the frames are right with there timing and smoothness.
(full video test)
The test below is the full piece but in a draft, it looks good but there are changes to be made, like longer hang time.
(second full video test)
The below video is the start of my finished draft but there are a few too many pauses in there so i'll have to go back and make some changes to get them just right.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
(Week4) Illusion Of Life- Anticipation

Muybridge is a great Source of research especially for the project i'm doing now, as i looked through he's images i chose this one in particular because it had reference to my work, and i used this image to help me with my animation but only as a guide.

(Week3) Illusion Of Life- Timing and Spacing Final Piece
(Final animation)
Here is my finished product, as an overall animation i am pleased with the final out come in how you can see the different weights of the two balls, but after getting feed back off my peers i do relies that the whole purpose of the exercise is to show the realism off the to balls, and the idea of the small ball spliting into different balls is'nt realistic, and as the balls are bouncing around they're looking to rubbery and gooey and things looking like that don't tend to have that kind of speed to it.
(Final Test)
This is the final test and it shows the weight of two types of balls, and what could possible happen if the smaller ball got squashed at an angle.
(Week3) Illusion Of Life- Timing and Spacing, tests and the understanding
(Fourth Test)
This video set to 24fps with one shot per image
(Third test)
This video set to 24fps with two shots per image , but by doing this its the same preset as if it was 12fps with one shot per image.
(Second Test)
This video set to 12fps with one shot of per image
(First Test)
This video set to 12fps with two shots per image
My first test of a single bounce of a ball, this test and the next three tests are of the same bounce but at different speeds all taken in eye stop motion programe, some set to 12fps and 24fps (Frames Per Second) and with single shots of each image and double shots. This i did this process because in my last weekly project i wasn't to sure on how to set the right frames and take the right amount of shot to video a animation so be doing this it has help me get a better understanding of the programe.
(week2) Illusion Of Life- Exaggeration animation
(Final Animation)
Here is my final piece for the expressing and exaggeration project. I have shot these final animation in 12fps with two shot per image and because of this the video is to slow and jittery but the reason i did that was because i did'nt fully understand the process to film the animation yet, but now i have a better understanding now me later animation shound not have the same problem. the major fault to the piece was that the head of this person doesn't move at all, only the features move which lets it down.
(First Test)
This is my first test of my animation facial expression, i done this test to check if the drawings was in line and if the blink was going to be smooth enough, which it was'nt it was to jerky so i'll have to either add a few more drawings to get a more slow and smooth blink or speed it up so its a regular blink.
Exaggeration Illusion Of Life- Character Sketches